Love Different


Welcome to the modern school of healing for multi-passionate women reparenting themselves.

I'm Uakea, an acupressure specialist who's made it my mission to help women heal their hearts, find their voice and start living from the inside out. Why? 

For far too long, we've sacrificed our inner peace to shrink down, fit in and serve a narrative that is not sustainable. The "good girl" paradigm is starving our soul, harming our families and losing us money.




Are you tired of:

  • Others telling you what's good for you?
  • Others treating you worse than you treat them?
  • Being misunderstood and unappreciated?
  • Making less money than you want to?


I'm here to help you boldly reawaken LOVE.  




What is it like to

Love Different?

At High Heart Academy, we use integrative healing tools, spiritual guidance, and a bit of science to help our clients regain control of their thoughts, connect to their intuition, and make better choices. Rumi says, "Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within ourselves that you have built against it."

Rock the boat

Let's identify the ways your old beliefs have conditioned you to stay small and silent.


Snap out of it

Understand your feminine cycle so your energy, intuition, and creativity can flow better. Your new response to "It must be her time of the month" will be "HECK YAH it is!"


Liberate yourself

This is a revolution of love. The road will not be easy. Receive support from a group of like-minded women to help you embody your gifts and talents.

"The greatest journey she ever took was to heal herself."


Jaiya John

"I'm so proud of being who I am now!


I'm getting to know myself. I'm understanding that I've done well with breaking my old beliefs and following my gut instinct. I feel like I'm living out my purpose and I don't need to be ashamed of any of it."


Kendria T.
Cohort #1

"This journey has been nothing short of transformational!



There’s so much within me that I HAD NO IDEA was there. I can feel the inner me breaking free and bursting at the seams!!"


Cierra S.
Cohort #1


Add me to the waitlist!

Cohort #2 will be launching on June 3, 2023.
Add your name to the list and hear about all the details.

"I needed the community of women to help me build myself back up and out. 


With every week I reveal a new layer and I heal one level deeper."


Kanani L.
Cohort #1

Web Design by Uakea Egami      Photography by Esther Lambright Patterson